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Interview with Niamh Maguire - Designer of our Boobs F!

I personally dare you to meet Niamh and not to smile, she is probably one of the most bubbly people I have ever met in my life and she would say things like "I am actually having fun colouring boobs!".

She enters the room, dressed on purpose to make an impact, and she laughs and makes you smile back (actually that is what I am doing while writing this!), so it is only fair that her design of our F had the same effect! 

What is behind Niamh Maguire Designs?

My designs are mainly inspired by anthropomorphism and the human form. I create bright vibrant prints and embroidery which usually requires a double-take and questions what you are seeing.

How would you describe your style?

Bright, colourful and flamboyant

What was the message behind your F full of boobs?

All women are individuals in their own way. Women come in in all shapes and sizes with different personalities! In the same way, women boobs are all unique, it is all about celebrating diversity!

And this is our questionnaire for everyone

What is Feminism for you?

For everyone to be treated exactly the same, men or women.

Which “everyday sexism” really bothers you?

Fashion brands such as Boohoo and Pretty Little Thing advertisements trying to sell cheap clothing through sexualised images.

Do you remember when you start identifying as a Feminist and why?

My mum worked for Women's Aid for many years part-time so from the age of 12 she taught me all I know about feminism and women rights. it was pretty much part of my upbringing to have knowledge of feminist rights.

Who is your biggest feminist role model?

Frida Kahlo, as she made it legitimate for women to outwardly display their pains, frustrations and passions, and therefore made steps towards making sense of and understanding them. Her work also explores abortion, gender roles and sexuality which was extremely radical for a woman in the 1920s which I respect immensely. Many of my original prints, such as my 'Sugar Skull' print was inspired by Kahlo's work on the Day of the Dead in Mexico. This is why she is such an inspiration to me in so many ways.

What is your favourite Feminist quote?

"No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor." Betty Friedan, Writer and activist.

What is your feminist recommendation?

  • Book: How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran
  • Tv Show: GIRLS
  • Film: The Piano (1993)

What is your feminist call of action to whoever is reading?

All women should be treated exactly the same as men in all aspects of life.

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