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Why the suicide rate in men is a feminist topic

We have been sadly speaking a lot in our house about men dying by suicide lately, one of those numbers in the statistics has become a name, and a face for us.

Coincidently on Tuesday, The Office for National Statistics released its numbers and it found that the suicide rate among men has hit a two-decade high in England and Wales. So, I cannot make the topic about anything else this week, I am talking about this because this is a feminist topic. 

(Here is the video or you can keep reading! or do both!)



I will always defend that men should be feminists because it is the right thing to do. Even if there was nothing in it for them they should support enthusiastically and unapologetically the movement because half of the population deserves better. That should be enough. But even those who disagree with that assessment should also be feminist, and they should do it for selfish reasons. The patriarchy is killing them!

I am talking about a society that strips men from everything associated with feminine from very very early stages (parents comfortable with their BABY son wearing a pink outfit in public please raise your hands!). The problem is that the association of what belongs to who is arbitrary and absurd in most cases (like the colour pink, for example), and some of the inherently human things that men are forbidden to embrace on the name of manhood can actually improve their lives, and in some cases, save it.

If I ask around who is more emotional, men or women, there will be an overall consensus that it's women. I hope you are all visualising Bridget Jones eating ice-cream in tears. But when asking parents of both boys and girls about specifically their 2 kids the answers are much more diverse, and if something, my feeling is that it gravitates towards the opposite. But of course that changes at some point. Women are indeed perceived as more emotional because they show their emotions more and have fewer limitations to express them, while men carry a social penalty of some sort if they express them, so they bottle them up. Men are tough that toughness is their currency, the same way women's is beauty. 

I love the way Gloria Steinem explains it "There is a full circle of human qualities we all have a right to, and men are confined to the ‘masculine’ ones, which are seventy per cent, and women are confined to the ‘feminine’ ones, which are thirty per cent. Women are missing more, but men are still missing a lot." I will add to this that men, despite their privilege, have a disadvantage in this situation and face extra strong societal barriers of access to those feminine areas. 

Girls and women take some sort of pride being identified as tomboys, being one of the guys... there is a sense of achievement and almost upgrade to be accepted in the men's group as a peer. We talk about the empowerment of women when they are conquering male-dominated areas, when they are demanding their legitimate place in the desk. But what positive words do we have for men when they are making the journey in the other direction? .

Women through history have been wrecking walls that kept them away from a better place (a lot of times legal walls!) a place of money, power, sexuality... I am not saying that those places are always easy, but they are very socially rewarded and valued and they come with choices. These is little reward or incentive for for men  when society has made it very clear who is winning and who is not?

It is relatively easy and instinctive to tell your daughter that she should aim to be whatever and whoever she wants, that she can be the superhero that saves the day too. Are we doing the same with our boys? Are we putting twice the effort to educate them emotionally because once they go in the big bad world they will need to overcompensate the monotonous message about what manhood looks like? Does it feel like we are telling them that they can also be less? That they don't have to be as much? Have we bought into the stupid idea of what is more and what is less?

Even those who refuse women in "masculine" arenas respect, in a way, the "balls" that granted them a place there. They value all the qualities that those women needed to get there (determination, bravery, resilience...) because they consider that those qualities are, indeed masculine. But for those same people, it is considered a shame the man who dreams to be the main caregiver, the man who puts relationships and mental health before success and career, the one who prefers connections above admiration. And how much they are missing out with that lack of choice. 

I love men. Sometimes I think that I love men more than most men! I love them and want more for them and from them. And because I love them I know that their narrative of manhood is not enough, even if it is more privileged than womanhood. But because it is framed in a space of victory, of more, of better, it is more difficult to escape, who would want to downgrade? Who wants to give up power, measured in toughness, if vulnerability is perceived as its biggest enemy, weakness.

We need to do better, we need to explore why men are dying by suicide every day. We need to have the difficult talks and try to figure things out. Men need to be aware of what they are lacking and the importance of it and keep each other accountable to build something better, to redefine what they want the expression"to be a man" to mean for them and the generations to come. 

I am going to challenge you today, now, to write to a man or a group of men about the suicide rate in men. To ask them what they think about it, what they think there is behind it all, how they see things changing. It all starts with a conversation.  

37 Responses

C Lark

C Lark

March 04, 2025

What a quintessentially feminist article. A title that claims to care about men and a body which spends nearly it’s entirety talking about and glorifying women. Well except for that paragraph where the author talks about herself with an “I” in every sentence.

Nothing says, “Feminists care about men” than making this issue all about YOU.

I am certain that women are all sociopaths and only pretend to care about men when is serves their interests. The less important men are to women, the less they care. This article is one more example of that.

Alex Smith

Alex Smith

February 19, 2025

No man should be a feminist. Feminism is not equality, it’s a psyops for control and abuse created by women with an inferiority complex.



January 22, 2025

Women have no idea how hurtful it is to read feminist responses to a recent study of the phenomenon of excessive male suicides compared to females. There were many women that commented “boo-hoo cry me a river“ so that really shows how much women care about men doesn’t it? There is no “patriarchy“ that’s a feminist trope. History is full of powerful women who ruled nations, ruled, tribes, ruled, cities, etc., and a lot of of them were very ruthless and vicious, and essentially evil ordering people to their deaths, ordering men to be executed like bloody Mary, etc. But to hear feminists talk the only oppression that’s ever been done was by men. No woman can understand how hurtful it is for a man to read feminist sayings like “all men are Potential rapists”. Or to read “the penis is a tool of female oppression“ which is to imply that God made a mistake or that we men should apologize for the audacity of being born with one. I could go on and write a novels worth of comments here, proving without a doubt, and these are not opinions. These are facts that the male gender is considered much less valuable than females, and it has always been that way. Point which gender has always had to fight wars has always had to put themselves in danger for the women, the children and the elderly back home I can give you a hint the gender starts with the letter M. That right there shows the disposability of the male gender. even in the animal world like in poultry production, the baby rooster chicks are literally put into a grinder and ground up alive! The male of the species has always been considered disposable expendable and having much less value. Another casing point. There are dozens actually hundreds of safe space shelters for battered women you know victims of spousal abuse by their husbands. That is a good thing. However, there are none, I repeat none, zero safe space shelters for men to go if they’re kicked out of the home by their abusive wives or actually if they got tired of being beaten to a bloody pulp by their wives. That disparity also shows that men do not have any value. Women now hold 51% of all high of a corporate positions and it is conservatively estimated that that will continue as a skyrocketing trend in the near future. it is predicted by actuaries, sociologists, and psychiatrists/psychologists that the future will be a very dismal economic outlook for men as most men will be relegated to support role positions, which are menial and low pain. Companies are already issuing mandates to not hire any more men Delta airlines being one prime example. Everything in society today is geared and bent toward helping women get a leg up so to speak and it is at the expense of men. It is definitely a zero some game.

Rudy Jansen

Rudy Jansen

January 22, 2025

It seems strangely incongruous that the gender who is supposed to be so “caring” does not care much at all if those who need to be cared for happen to be male. I find that especially hard to believe in the case of mother and son or sister to brother relationships.



January 22, 2025

Well, that was tone-deaf.

S Culbert

S Culbert

September 24, 2024

This is an inane thread. Nothing in this, or should this, affect the rate of male suicide. Embrace it and as a feminist it’s a benefit to women in general (equal pay, access to the best jobs, pressure to procreate). It is a benefit. In 50 years if things have really evened out for women, examine it then.



September 01, 2024

Love how all these male commenters are blaming women. Please, women have put up with men’s blame since the beginning of time. What these men are really saying is, if women don’t worship us and aren’t forced to need us then we are useless. That’s lame. I do not feel bad for these men feeling sorry for themselves. Suicide because you feel useless? Wow..imagine how women felt when they had to have hubby’s permission to have a bank account, or buy land. Not to mention the right to vote. Sure didn’t see women killing themselves. Women fought and keep fighting. If men don’t like feeling useless, stop expecting to have everything handed to you.. that includes a baby factory handmaid. Go work for it.

Micheal fields

Micheal fields

September 01, 2024

Feminists do not care about men. Male suicide isn’t a feminist topic because they just don’t care.



August 19, 2024

Women don’t have the courage to admit their war against men is going quite swimmingly.

lawyer sonia

lawyer sonia

May 09, 2024

This article sheds important light on the connection between feminism and the alarming suicide rate among men. It’s crucial to recognize that gender expectations and societal norms affect everyone, regardless of gender. Addressing mental health challenges through a feminist lens can lead to more inclusive and effective solutions for all.

Anthony Harding

Anthony Harding

March 14, 2024

Women dismiss men and we get run down and tired of running everything for unappreciative women. We get very tired of women and we genuinely would rather kill ourselves than continue, most times we only stay in this miserable disgusting existence so that our children don’t have deal with the loss of a parent.

Anthony Harding

Anthony Harding

March 14, 2024

Women dismiss men and we get run down and tired of running everything for unappreciative women. We get very tired of women and we genuinely would rather kill ourselves than continue, most times we only stay in this miserable disgusting existence so that our children don’t have deal with the loss of a parent.



February 19, 2024

Men’s get help women sexual bit man and rape by men I don’t agree with mental man get help with suicide

Kristopher Irwin

Kristopher Irwin

February 06, 2024

I’m not sure why this article has angered some men. It’s clear it has come from a place of empathy & unconditional positive regard. The person states that she loves men. You can’t be angered because it’s pointed out that we are born with privilege. We are. Of course, it’s harmful to suggest that just because you are a man you cannot be vulnerable and you are by default privileged, but the author does not do that. There are ethnic minority, female LGBT people who can be more privileged than a white male (as an example) but in general they won’t be. Intersectionality is complex. This is the right type of feminism. Men should get behind the feminists who are fighting for equality, & that includes inequality men face. How can some men not see that society will be better for us too if everything is equal. These patriarchal systems hurt us too! Think about it!! Why are women always the default care giver on the birth of a child! Because they get better maternity rights. My organisation pay men 4 weeks & women 1 year. By fighting for men’s rights not only do we have equality but women and men can have a choice that isn’t pressured by financial factors. Win/win. I know some amazing feminists. They believe men should get the choice to financially abort a child under certain contexts. Her body, her choice, and his life, his choice. That’s not a group fighting for power like some weak men think.
Do I wish feminists would call out some of the radical extremist within the movement, yes, I think they are dangerous & cause some men to generalise the whole movement as misandrists… Taylor Swift & Emma Watson have made positive statements about the danger of this radical strand. It’s a wonderful movement, & this was a great article, & to all the men out there, why wouldn’t you want your Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Aunties, Girlfriends, Wife’s, & Friends to be treated with respect, given equal opportunity, & in some cases given additional protections to support their vulnerabilities? We are all human beings! If you don’t want a fair society there is something wrong with you!

I think posts like this go a long way in encouraging men to be allies. If more feminist social media pages, journalists, activists & organisations just made male inequalities 15% of the narrative, it would work in the movements favour.



January 15, 2024

Feminists have been trying to bait men in with platitudes like these for over a decade. If you want men to open up and discuss their problems, you have to condition women to stop dehumanizing them for it. Men talk with men about their trouble from time to time, with the objective being to resolve the problem. Women just don’t sympathize with men in this regard. We’ve seen men framed as privileged, idiots, pigs, predators, and dogs for 35 years. An entire generation of women have being raised to believe as much. Simultaneously, they’ve been taught to believe they are themselves inherently strong, independent, powerful, smart, beautiful, and brave. The polarization of these two perspectives cannot inspire any commonality. The spread is worsening, as men recognize progressive movements do absolutely nothing for them, and wiuld rather lean into divisive creators who are, at the very least, their own benefactors. Men can’t reach across the table any further. The rule for men, until recently, was to disproportionately worship, protect, and serve women, and they’ve been summarily brutalized for both enacting, and rejecting, that behavior in a hotcha-game where all paths lead to misogyny. You have, at best, 10 years time before the last vestiges of tradirional men are completely gone, and replaced with the types who will solely serve themselves, the same way how women have been taught to serve themselves since the mid-80’s.

Kaylin Hamilton

Kaylin Hamilton

January 15, 2024

The issue of male suicide is absolutely a feminist topic, because feminism cares about equality between men and women, and the impact that gender norms and patriarchy has on everyone. It’s so disheartening to see some men respond to genuine concern for men with outright hatred, and what appears to be ignorance about what feminism is and stands for. But of course, it serves patriarchy to keep men thinking this way and doubting even the women and feminists who explicitly care for and want a better society for them, and it can be very hard to get some people to see that the very views they express are what harms them, not those they attack with those views.



October 11, 2023

Another passive aggressive attack at men, this time by trying to patronise and placate.
As a man i have always fiercely defend all marginalised people in society (due to sexuality, race, colour, religion, the poor, etc. etc.) but more importantly with regards to this topic women’s right to live is this world as they chose, and most importantly be respected.
Modern feminism is a scourge on society though as it tends to be an aggressive, angry, prejudicial, bitter attack on men (the vast majority of whom are just like me) and it’s fundamental goal is to make ALL men pay for the mistakes of a few. Misandry is real and killing my fellow sex and is quite frankly disgusting, and by trying to patronise men (like this article has) it just makes it even more insulting.
My simple message to women is this – misandry is a hate crime just like any other, and those that support it should be utterly ashamed. It’s utterly unforgivable.



September 18, 2023

You sound like you don’t understand men at all.

How DARE you claim the topic of male suicide as a FEMINIST topic? You don’t speak for us, you don’t understand us, & you have zero ownership over a topic affecting men.

The narcissism of feminists just get worse every year.

Get bent, & stay in your own damn lane.



August 31, 2023

The comments on here are the definition of toxic. So to add something positive; I found this article very uplifting. I grew up with the notion that men don’t matter, that we should just be able to put up with crap and had no right to complain. Needless to say, this isn’t healthy.

By contrast, this article shows a very modern and progressive feminism that recognises that men too need direction and nurturing. I’ve always argued that sexism is a societal issue, and not borne from gender. That is to say; a holistic approach is needed, rather than just telling men they suck.

I happened upon this article after a recent experience which again made me feel like I didn’t matter. Reading the line “I love men” was affirming and uplifting and reminded me of my self-worth. If this message was spread more generously (and indeed, if some of the other posters here allowed themselves to hear it) then I believe the world would be a better place.

Thank you for your compassion and helping me through this day.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

May 25, 2023

I feel like suicide, and I have been contemplating it for sometime. To me the femanists are winning, the alienation and demonisation of men, the scorn for being a man, makes me not what to live. The rule of femanism and the eradication of men. I understand not all femaists think this, but in NZ where I live the type of femanism is a deep dislike towards white cis men. We are framed as the enemy. TBH I wake up daily and the first thing I think of is sucide. Mentally standing up to these forces has destroyed me. I feel defeated by femanism and my daily thoughts are to finish myself.



May 16, 2023

This is a feminist website and you notice who isn’t commenting and doesn’t care about this topic – women ….. That tells you all you need to know about how much women care about men committing suicide

Will Frederiksen

Will Frederiksen

February 04, 2023

Men need their own movement that has nothing to do with feminism.m

Not anti-feminist; just, about men.

Not to disagree with or even comment on your sisterhood, but rather for our brotherhood.

Can I tell you that I was a homeless, meth-addicted, petty criminal for 4 years? I almost committed suicide. I almost committed homicide (against a woman, in fact)!

And I almost spent half of my life in prison. I got away with almost everything, and yes, yes my crimes do include (relatively minor, non-rape) sex crimes. I did premeditate but ultimately did not carry out the most heinous of crimes: rape-slaying a woman who used to be my friend.

I don’t want you to go through what I went through that made me into such a monster. If you had any idea what the scary men who would rape or kill you…any idea at all what OUR oppression is…I think your movement would be a little different. I’m not talking about rich, mostly-white patriarchs. I’m talking about men like myself.

Abusive mother, abusive girlfriends, couple women (yes, women) kidnapped me at gun point and stole my car. Plenty of violent men who would kill or rape other men. I was actually raped twice: once by a woman (it happens more than you’d think), and once by another man.

And after all that…I just HATED your movement. It honestly sucks all the emotional space in the room and does a disservice to poor-black, white-trash, ghetto-Asian, and barrio-Latino men.

The men that there is no movement for. The men everyone crosses to the other side of the street when they see.

Now…now I’ve found the church. And the Republican Party, as a matter of fact! Turns out, conservative institutions DO care about the criminal man. (‘Tough-on-crime’ was a left-center, Clinton-era abomination).

I’m not against sisterhood. I’m not against second-wave feminism. I just can’t stand being called ‘oppressor’ by angry college girls who haven’t the faintest idea.

You do not know the half of the abuse.
And I don’t know the half of your frustration with rich, asshole men. (They fear me in person).

But please, don’t oppose a movement that is for men. A movement that will probably be a little more conservative…a little more masculine.

It would benefit you too.



November 18, 2022

Some interesting comments here, some very good points and some not so much.

The one thing I agreed with was that feminist ideology needs to stay out of the male suicide problem. Not to say that this article didn’t bring up some good points but the overarching tone of the article didn’t really come off as a genuine concern for the male suicide problem. Feminism is an ideology that views the world (of course) from a gynocentric point of view and doesn’t seem to encourage impartial thinking. Honestly, if feminists can’t be impartial when trying to understand the make suicide problem then you’re of no help whatsoever. Stick to women’s issues but just stay out of mens issues because you’re not helping. I’ve been contemplating suicide lately and trust me I’ve opened up and talked about it but talking about my issues often makes things worse as if I’m just an annoyance. I’m not trying to be some tough guy who holds it all in and suppresses his feminine traits and was taught boys don’t cry or any of the nonsense you wrote because trust me I’d do anything to not feel this way anymore. I feel worse after reading that article, it really just reinforced my opinion that no one cares and if they do pretend to care it’s because it’s serves their own interests.

Feminism is for women, just keep out of trying to understand mens issues because you’ll make things worse.

Linux Zorin

Linux Zorin

November 07, 2022

Feminists like you argue that men should be able to be weaker and in your words ‘less’, because the typical masculine strengths of competitiveness, aggression, ambition and stoicism, all of which built the modern world and which women have therefore massively benefitted from, are killing men. This is a typical feminist deceit to persuade men to disempower themselves of the characteristics that have given them strength and power, while simultaneously encouraging women to attain those same characteristics. Feminists like you know that those characteristics are a huge strength in attaining power and wealth. Which is why you are deceitfully trying to persuade men to give them up, while encouraging women to have them.

Feminists like you are lying, deceitful, and manipulative Your theory of patriarchy is infantile horse***t based on absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever.



October 20, 2022

This should be a topic reserved strictly for focus on helping those men who suffer at the hands of suicidal ideation. And yet this piece only makes another valuable contribution to the coffers of agenda fuelled absurdity. Your preparedness to care for men seems to extend only to their capacity to endorse the change that you consider is needed in the world. The damaging isolation experienced by men is wholly supported and reinforced by women, and in particular those women who share your misshapen ideology. Sadly, the boys in our schools do not have a bright future because they must navigate a generation of girls who have been conditioned to see men as a problem and a hurdle to overcome. Men have been dying in vastly greater numbers from the dawn of time and they will continue to do so for as long as there is life on earth. The least we can do is show them some compassion during their brief stay.



October 03, 2022

Women don’t care about men…..

Cadet Amn Lirette

Cadet Amn Lirette

September 22, 2022

Whether feminists want to admit it or not women are a part of the problem with male suicide. Not all but certain women who fall into the category of (financial, relationship, legislative and, exedra) contribute to male suicide at which I plead. We have a lot to fix in this count try before male suicide can begin to die down. However this matter belongs to us men. I don’t care how bad y’all want to get involved, the tops of feminism are probably doing this to promote feminism which sounds bad in our case but it is good in y’all’s case. The sad thing is if this truest was a matter for feminists y’all would have already been involved with the issue. I will state this as I will for a century. This is not a woman’s place to get involved with a man’s problems especially if women are a part of the problem. Like chill out on the divorces and the sues. Stop being disloyal many men have stopped dating because women have hurt them that bad mentally. With all do respect stay out of the male suicide issue. When it becomes recognized as a global problem and we stop getting blamed for many things when women have also done some bad . . . Then, just then can feminists get involved. I say this because y’all might make the problem worse than it already is.



September 01, 2022

The responsibility is: Feminism, criminal feminism.

Bradley Homan

Bradley Homan

July 11, 2022

It is not surprising to me to see a feminist proclaim that feminism is good for both men and women. However, by saying the existence of “the patriarchy system” is a major reason society has not yet established more equitable conditions I can’t help but think the reality of the last fifty years of day-to-day experience has somehow been lost, and thus is being overlooked.

When I graduated from college, fifty years ago, and wanted to enter the work force as a programmer, I found politicians had enacted a series of laws which in effect mandated that companies should hire more women (which essentially resulted in those companies not hiring men). The problem was (and which still exists today) the legislation DID NOT MANDATE that the female potential employees had to first be required to acquire the necessary education and/or job skills needed to perform the jobs they were being hired for. As a result, after I finally got hired (upon receiving a Masters Degree in Computer Science), I found that women who had benefited from the employment opportunity mandated by politicians had frequently left the companies they were initially hired at, as they were in over their heads due to their lack of proper education and/or experience.

The ultimate effect was that because government laws and regulations forced companies to hire unqualified women simply to rectify a statistical imbalance in a profession, while at the same time not hiring qualified men, the companies ended up wasting valuable resources while both young women and young men wasted valuable time early in their careers, all to satisfy the political goals espoused by a vocal group who presented ideas which seemed to be good but whose execution was generally not well-thought-out.

Accordingly, I suggest that individuals who profess support for feminism should step outside their feminist ideology and conduct a thorough review of that ideology’s proposals from a holistic point of view encompassing all of the components making up society (women, men, companies, economics, national security, etc.) to determine a more realistic approach to solving the problems they claim exist (instead of simply relying on activism to achieve a patchwork of limited legal “solutions” which have left serious societal damage in their wake).



June 17, 2022

We are a hypergamous species, meaning that high-status males are sought out disproportionately more by females for reproduction, but as we have a 1:1 female/male birth rate, that leaves a large glut of lower-status males that will not reproduce. This is borne out by reality too: typically, most women reproduce, but only around 60% of men reproduce. In short, we are a species of many mothers and fewer fathers.

Schopenhauer said that women are the gatekeepers to our species, and he meant it literally. Women choose which men will pass on their genetic material to the next generation, and which will be lost to history. If you are a woman, your are competing with other women for the (best) man, but as a man, you are competing with other men for (any) women. Think about how this would affect your reproductive strategy if you were a man, not knowing at what level of the status hierarchy you would be born into.

Evolution has favoured different traits in men and women partially for this reason. The real existential threat most men face skews the cost-benefit analysis of high-risk / high-reward behaviour. A man is more likely to risk it all, and be brave, and show typical “masculine” traits, as he literally has less to lose than a woman, who holds reproductive control. She will (most likely) reproduce at some point, whereas he might reproduce if he plays his cards right, leverages those bigger muscles and reduced emotional sensitivity.

In most cases, masculine and risk-taking traits simply result in an early death of the male. As a previous poster highlighted, the overwhelming majority of workplace deaths are men dying completing dangerous – but higher paying – tasks. Or they fight wars against each other, or undergo dangerous treks seeking of glory and riches. Occasionally though, that high-risk strategy pays off, and the lucky male climbs up the social hierarchy.

He may be a genetic wreck – short, prone to heart-disease and male-pattern balding – but he’s played his cards right, backed the right horse, and now enjoys the fruits of his high-risk labour. Think of those ageing billionaires and their 20-something beautiful wives. A successful businessman or glorious warrior has to my mind achieved more than a young woman who was simply born beautiful – yet our society and our genetics treat them as equals. 

Likewise, it seems unfair that less attractive, but harder-working women are bound to a lower status than a beautiful 20 something woman. How can it be that funny, caring, intelligent and family oriented women are considered lower-status than the genetically gifted airhead? It isn’t fair, just as it isn’t “fair” that close to half of all men will not pass on their genetic material and so many dwell at the bottom of the status hierarchy.

No number of feminist lectures or MGTOW meet-ups will change that reality. The two opposing movements are really reflections of the same fundamental truth – it’s difficult to be low-status for your group – and some relief and movement toward a more equitable society would be nice. There’s no harm in asking, but our species didn’t come this far by being nice. If you’re alive today, it’s because your (male) ancestors outcompeted their peers.

Credit where credit is due: feminism is not wrong in addressing men (at the top of the hierarchy) holding disproportionately more power than women. But it completely fails to recognise the vast majority of lower-status males at the bottom of the status pyramid. Feminism builds a theory of patriarchy based on its observations (looking up the pyramid) but then erroneously applies it to all men equally (including the vast majority of whom dwell at the bottom of the pyramid).

Very few feminists protest the lack of women in refuge collection, nor address the difference in life expectancy or academic achievement between men and women, nor proclaim their solidarity with the men that toil day and night to give their daughters a better life. It is an ideology that claims victimhood, while ignoring the pleas of those less fortunate.

Feminist theory blames the patriarchy and toxic masculinity exclusively, and says nothing of the wider societal forces that weigh heavy on those men at the bottom of the status pyramid. The same forces that push high-status men to the top the pyramid. 

If you are thinking that fighting the patriarchy sounds a lot like rallying against our hypergamous nature, then the issue arises that you simply cannot fight hypergamy. It’s who we are, it’s in us, just as it’s in other species. In any case, it is as much the result of female behaviour than male behaviour (more if you ask Schopenhauer). This would be a difficult pill for any feminist to swallow. 

A heads-up, for the suicidal man, your post might read very harshly. In blaming the patriarchy, you are putting the responsibility for someones suicidal thoughts at their own feet. They are men, they belong to the “patriarchy”, and it is the patriarchy that is killing them. If you love men as much as you claim to, I would kindly ask you to question your own belief system a little more.

If you are a suicidal man (or woman) reading this: don’t give up just yet. If you have been put on this Earth, and have spent most of that time depressed and anxious, accept that you have been served a very cruel hand. Existentially, this should make you angry. Use that anger.

james morris

james morris

May 03, 2022

The real reason men are killing themselves is economics. The greatest shift in wealth, from one group to another, has occurred during the last few decades; from males to females. Keep playing the hocus pocus about “boys don’t cry” but it is about money and the shrivelled life for men who don’t have enough because being a poor man is like being a very ugly woman.

Tristan Price

Tristan Price

April 15, 2022

Thanks so much for this. I have been trying to find the words to explain this, but you have done it brilliantly here. I get so annoyed when I see feminism presented as a zero sum game – women’s path to liberation is portrayed as somehow coming at the expense of men. But as you write so well, feminism can and must help to tackle male suicide. Tackling hyper masculinity helps everyone.

Jason Bargy

Jason Bargy

April 15, 2022

I am a man and women hate men both good and bad. Women think they can push around a man. Wait till there is no man around to push around. I am sick of these feminist women.

Mark Manning

Mark Manning

March 25, 2022

Men don’t matter.

They are 4 to 5 times more likely than women to be murdered in a public place yet the move is to make the streets safer for women. This is because men don’t matter.

Men die by suicide at a rate 3 times higher than that of women. A newspaper headline a few months ago highlighted an increase in female suicides. The fact that this increase resulted in male/female suicides of 3/1 instead of the previous 4/1 wasn’t mentioned. This is because men don’t matter.

If 90% of workplace deaths were of women the screaming about it would never end. In fact 90% of workplace deaths are of men. There is no screaming about this because men don’t matter.

BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour recently ran articles on the continuing dominance of men in traditionally male dominated industries (bus driving and lorry driving). The articles were along the lines of ‘shock, horror, even today in the 21st century, about 90% of bus and lorry drivers are men’. I advised the programme that, shock, horror, even today, 90% of nurses, 95% of midwives and about 100% of junior school teachers are women. I received no reply and my figures were not mentioned on the programme. This is because men don’t matter.

When the majority of English solicitors (my own profession) were men this was considered a gender imbalance in need of addressing. In recent years the balance has flipped and there is now a small female majority. In addition, of all newly qualifying solicitors in recent years, around 63% were women. This, apparently, is not a gender imbalance in need of addressing because….men don’t matter.

I could go on and on with other examples of society’s view that men don’t matter. Unfortunately most men can’t see the problem and women couldn’t care less about it.

If in doubt, always remember that….men don’t matter.



March 25, 2022

What the hell I just read. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. The most ridiculous thing I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading

Alex Smith

Alex Smith

May 04, 2021

In your opinion, what are the ideal government roles and laws in a feminist utopia?



April 21, 2021

Men are dying every day because of how feminism treats men. That’s why there are groups like mgtow. Feminist laws and family courts, and false sexual claims against men are on the rise. As a mgtow men are not 2nd class citizens. Feminists treat real men as wage slaves to be if it women. The gender wage gap is a lie..,, and the majority of men commit suicide because there is no help for men. Women have more rights than men. Women use men for assets and goods.. Real women want real men who are masculine,.. why do women for the bad boy in a relationship? Some thing to think about. Also because of female superiority and what can happen to men just because a woman is angry at a man. With marriage rates dropping and birth rates dropping as well. It’s not worth getting into a relationship, marriage, or having children is not worth ruining your life over women. Life is good for men that are not anchored down. Women should be scared about mgtow.

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