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Interview with Carola - Illustrator and a fav of TFS

Carola was the artist behind the first filled F that we had and was also the person I called to ask if she could make my "togetHERness" vision into a reality.

We are so happy to have her art, once again, stamped in our ethical products and we thought it was about time to introduce you to her!

Who is Carola and what is she telling the world through her art?

Carola Marín is a graphic designer and illustrator from Spain. She is passionate, sensitive and can't help but to always see the emotional side of things. 

From a young age I was obsessed with painting (including my bedroom walls, which my mother still holds a grudge about). I remember painting the tables in school while the teacher tried to unsuccessfully explain maths to me.

I couldn't study arts so I ended up studying marketing, which I guess wasn't my call in life. As much as it hurt me not having been able to study arts, I decided to start my own journey by designing different things from cards to websites. Here I am after many years, officially working as a graphic designer but always an illustrator in my heart.

In my free time I paint lots of portraits. I love how the small differences make us all unique and special. That is the real message of my paintings, the diversity of human beings! How are those differences that make us so perfect, so different from each other?

In a world that tries to impose upon us a narrow vision of what beauty means, in a world full of insecurities, pressure, mental and physical illnesses caused by that narrative that I have suffered myself, I want my art to represent the beauty and power of our differences.

What inspires you the most when you create?

I love sitting on a bench and looking at people, it never fails to amaze me how different we all are and it is an endless fuel of inspiration for me. 

Also music, cinema and photography... and as a good fangirl,  I love creating fan art of shows and films. 

Other artists also inspire me, it is very nurturing for me. However, I need to remember from time to time not to compare myself! What an easy way to get artistic block!

Which 3 words define your work?

I am super indecisive so I had to ask for external help for this one and the 3 more repeated words were:

Dedicated, Sweet and Unique

Why should we all follow @carolamarin.art?

They only have to if they really like what I do! If you like my art I would welcome you and be grateful, and will hope that you would want to stay! 

And now, the questionnaire for everyone...


What is Feminism for you?

To be free and fulfilled regardless of my gender and to fight against being silenced or disrespected for being a woman. Nobody is better than another.

Which “everyday sexism” really bothers you?

Far too many. At work, in relationships, even in daily jokes, there is that air of superiority and it really angers me. But mostly dealing with men that want to show off their masculinity by making you feel inferior. I see that daily and I hate it.

Do you remember when you started identifying as a Feminist and why?

I remember my first job in a video shop at 17 years old and having to deal with everything because the bosses were mostly off. It was very clear the demeaning way distributors and some male clients interacted with me. Their comments and behaviour was very upsetting and it really pissed me off back then.

Who is your biggest feminist role model?

My mother. She is sole trader and takes care of her business and her family whilst having to deal with lots of sexism. I admire her dearly for all that she has achieved, all that she has fought for and everything she has taught my sister and I.

What is your favourite Feminist quote?

“Because you are a girl’ is never a reason for anything. Ever.” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

What is your proud feminist victory?

Never to shut up in the face of everyday sexism.

I speak. I express myself. I want people to know that I am here, that I am alive, that I have a voice and that my opinion is just as valid as theirs.

What is your feminist recommendation?

  • Book: A room of one own.
  • TV show: Fleabag
  • Film: “The Piano” one of the firsts that really shocked me.

What is your feminist call of action to whoever is reading?

Never shut up. Don’t be afraid of speaking up, argue and defend the things that we fight for!

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