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Earth Day and Feminism

As you have possible seen the 22nd of April is Earth Day, and randomly the first thing that comes to mind is the quote from George Carlin "Men are from earth and women are from earth. Deal with it" And let's be honest there is a lot to deal with. 

Believe it or not earth day has been around for over 50 years!!  I bet some of those fighters from the first days, the ones that were protesting in 1970 full of knowledge, sense of justice and drive are freaking out seeing how things are so still so shitty today! If not worse! (does it sound familiar you longtime feminists?) 

So we have been reading about ecofeminism a bit, and about the relationship between earth day and feminism and we want to share some of the most interesting articles and websites I came across.

1. Earth Day Organisation from tips to quizzes, press releases to events, materials etc... they have A LOT of info for everyone to tiptoe or fully submerge into a more earth-friendly life! 

2. Five females to celebrate on Earth Day This article is from 2018, but every woman on the list still wows us! It is always lovely to be reminded of the fantastic powerful things they are doing!

3. Seven ways ecojustice and feminism tie together based on the book "this changes everything" it explores the connections between feminism and sustainability.

4. What about calling it father nature? We have come across this theory quite a bit lately, and it comes back with the same root of the problem. We need to stop associating genders with values, characteristics and worth. 

5. 5 feminist ways to celebrate Earth Day. Easy tips and most of them putting you in the centre of the solution. We all have a say, every day, and it is good to use it to be part of the positive change!

6. Podcast: Mothers of Invention: ​Join former Irish President Mary Robinson and comedian Maeve Higgins in their podcast, celebrating amazing women doing remarkable things in pursuit of climate justice. Because in their opinion Climate change is a man-made problem with a feminist solution! 

Sure, that is enough homework for one day! To us, every fight for good is a process, and it is made of small changes, of awareness and knowledge. Success is measured by the changes of perspective and it is difficult once you do change to go back, to be unaware ever again.

It is not about doing it perfectly, but we all need to move in the right direction, imperfectly achieving improvements and building a better world than that we found. 

As we are all from earth, men and women, maybe we can deal with this (and while we are at it a lot of the patriarchy staff) together? 


We, as a company (especially as one in the fashion industry, which is one of the most damaging for the environment) take our responsibility very seriously.

These are our commitments:

🌍 Our products are organic cotton.
🌍 Our clothes are made in a factory with renewable energy.
🌍 We print on demand, having zero waste and avoiding to produce things that are no needed.
🌍 Our printers send directly to you to prevent multiplying the carbon footprint from unnecessary deliveries.
🌍 We send our products in plastic-free packaging.

We want to change the world through Feminism but make sure we do our part to take care of the planet!


1 Response



May 26, 2020

Very nice article and very useful. I appreciate your work, thanks for sharing for all the informative content.Lyricskiss

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