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Top Breast Cancer Facts Everyone Should Understand by Allen Brown

This Article was kindly written by Allen Brown

We hear a lot about breast cancer, but there is always more that we should know about and understand, and important things that we can do that are good to remember. Did you know, for example, that, although it is rare, men too can develop breast cancer? Approximately 1% of breast cancer cases are men.

Taking the time to learn about breast cancer will make it easier to spot the symptoms in yourself or in a loved one. Early identification is essential, as is the case with all cancers. This post will tell you some top breast cancer facts you need to know about.


The good news is that currently a large number of women diagnosed with breast cancer survive, often because the disease is caught early, and is highly treatable in its early stages. Some treatments, according to the cancer specialists from Bedford Breast Center, can even be non-invasive, meaning that surgery isn’t necessary. For the large majority of women though, treatment does involve surgery, as well as chemotherapy. Of course it is normal to be concerned about breast cancer but it is worth remembering that while it can be fatal, it seldom is. Approximately 97.3% of women diagnosed with breast cancer survive for more than a year after diagnosis, and over 88% survive for more than two.


While in this post’s introduction you were told that breast cancer can also affect men, it rarely does, breast cancer is a disease that affects mostly women (99% of the cases). That is because woman’s breasts are constantly exposed to growth-promoting hormones, whereas men’s aren’t. One of the main signs of breast cancer is liquid seeping out of the nipples, as well as swelling, tenderness, and lumps.


A woman’s risk of breast cancer increases as she gets older, but younger women develop it too, so If you have discovered a lump in your breast, regardless of your age, it is essential that you go to your doctor and get it checked out. It is essential to always have a medical expert check you out—don’t do it yourself at home and rely on Google.

Leading Cause

In terms of cancer-related cases, breast cancer is the second leading type of cancer, but as already mentioned is not the most fatal. Prostate and lung cancer are the most fatal ones. It needs to be stressed that breast cancer is highly treatable, so if you are concerned that you might have it, you need to see a doctor or a private clinician so that they can correctly diagnose you.


The symptoms of breast cancer vary from person to person. They can sometimes be discharged being released from the nipple, swollen breasts, tenderness, or a lump. A lump is the most common symptom, as well as the one that’s most commonly associated with all forms of cancer. You should check your breasts on a regular basis so that you can rule out the formation of any lumps. If you do discover any, then visit your physician immediately and bring this up to them so that they can give it a thorough investigation.


The identification of any lumps or your symptoms should always be performed and undertaken by a trained medical specialist. Due to the internet, a lot of people diagnose themselves. You should steer clear of the internet and any forums or message boards while you are awaiting test results or your appointment with a doctor, because more often than not, what you have discovered is probably nothing. If you spend all of your time worrying about what it could be, then you won’t be able to get on with your life, not to mention people on the internet are no more qualified than you are and can’t give a definitive answer without seeing your lump if they are a medical professional.

So remember that yes, breast cancer kills, but thankfully cancer is highly treatable if caught early. If you have discovered a lump and are concerned that you might have this condition, then get down to your doctor. Regular checkups is your best chance to make an absolute difference.