Free Shipping over £70 / $99

Free Shipping over £70 / $99



Size: A wee detail!

This is a very special (and maybe a bit random) new product!

We want you to gift something to yourself. I have done this exercise in a workshop before and it is phenomenal!

Works like this: You write a small love message to yourself and I will handwrite it in a postcard, add a couple of small gifts and send it to you when you less expect it (in the following 6 months). I will send it, I swear!

The joy of coming home to a love letter to yourself is so nice! Something almost more powerful than by someone else, because we can all do with some extra unconditional self love!

You might receive a mug, a book, a notebook, a water bottle to go with it. Something to make it a bit more special and surprising! 

