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Interview with Fahreen, founder of Super Smash Hoes Media

I am so delighted to introduce you, for those of you that don't know her yet, Fahreen founder of Super Smash Hoes Media, a feminist media platform seeking to smash the patriarchy one post at a time! 

She podcasts, write, study and share in her social media about her learnings. 

Read her great interview in which she speaks about her project, intersectionality, cancel culture, and her vision of a feminism!

What is super smash hoes? And who is the person behind it?

Me! I’m Fahreen and I am a 23 year old student living in London and currently studying my Masters in Law. I am incredibly passionate about gender, inequality and human rights. I started Super Smash Hoes the podcast in 2019 and now also have a blog! My mission is to diversify the global discourse on feminism by bringing in non-western perspectives and insights.

What is the biggest impact of what you do?

As a podcast host I am able to interview and bring on guests from incredibly diverse backgrounds. I think exposing listeners to new ideas or view-points they may not encounter in their daily lives is incredibly impactful.

What has been your biggest learning since you started this project?

Even with the best intentions you will mess up. I think it has been really humbling and important to recognize that I don’t know everything and I will make mistakes. You have to be open to dialogue and criticism which is intended to help you grow and learn. It’s also important to be willing to grow. My perspective has expanded greatly since starting the podcast and my views on many subjects have changed and will continue to change, fearing that growth serves no one.

What is the big goal, the great ambition?

This might sound like a small goal, but for me it would be the biggest achievement: my goal is to change a single person’s perspective on feminism. That alone will create a ripple and I hope will inspire and catalyze change! On the podcast front, my goal would be to reach listeners from around the world and interview some of the leading activists in each country.

And this our Feminist questionnaire, identical to everyone!

What is Feminism for you?

My definition of feminism is always evolving. When I was younger I simply thought of it as equality between men and women. As I have engaged more with feminist activism I have learned that feminism encompasses much more than this. Feminism is about the eradication of inequalities between all individuals (beyond the binary of male and female). It seeks to dismantle oppressive structures like capitalism and the patriarchy and is about fighting for justice for all marginalized people.

Which “everyday sexism” really bothers you?

I really hate mansplaining. I have read some of these interviews before and it seems to be a common thread. But really, it is so patronizing. The number of times I have had men try to explain something I know more about to me like I am a child is utterly infuriating.

Do you remember when you start identifying as a Feminist and why?

I think I was always implicitly a feminist, but I started to identify and became engaged with feminism after living in Japan for a year. It was at this time that I actually began sharply feeling the inequality I had spent my entire life hearing about. There were various instances of sexual violence that I experienced and levels of harassment and misogyny that put into focus the reality of gender inequality.

Who is your biggest feminist role model?

This is hard for me because I tend to find celebrity role models to be overrated. I think activists and academics are so overlooked and I am a firm believer that they are much more impactful. Currently, I am very inspired by Feminist post-colonial scholars like Chandra Mohanty and Gayatri Spivak.

What is your favourite Feminist quote?

“Well behaved women seldom make history” – Laurel Ulrich

What is your proud feminist victory?

I don’t think I have one yet. Unfortunately I don’t think I will have a victory until all individuals have been freed from the oppressive structures which bind them.

What is your feminist recommendation?

  • Book:Wordslut by Amanda Montell
  • tv show:The Mindy Project
  • Film:Legally Blonde/ Frida

What is your feminist call of action to whoever is reading?

Read more, listen more, and have empathy. Learning is the basis of any change, it is necessary to read and absorb as much information as one can, and read a diverse range of content. Listen, particularly to those in marginalized positions. Listen to women. Listen to Black Women. Listen to disabled individuals. Listen to Trans-individuals. Let their stories shape our action. And finally, have empathy. Everyone makes mistakes, even those who are trying to do better for the world. Look at other feminists with empathy and realize they are not perfect, and we are all learning.

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