When you really stop to think about it, our nails are incredible - they’re so helpful, they protect our fingers, and they can even show off our personality. On top of that, your nails can give you a fantastic insight into your overall health and wellbeing, and when they’re not treated very well, they can become brittle, discoloured, or even painful, which you’ll definitely want to avoid. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your nails, so keep reading to find out more.

Mistakes To Avoid
If you’ve not been taking such good care of your nails, you’re not the only one - we all make mistakes in this area, which is why learning how to deal with your nails and how to keep them as healthy as possible is crucial. Some of the biggest mistakes you’ll want to avoid in the future (and that you’re probably making now if you’re like most people) is picking at your nails, trying to remove gel polish yourself,opening cans of drink with your nails, and so on.
These habits might not seem like such an issue, especially if no harm seems to be done in the moment, but they can actually make your nails really weak over time, and then they’ll break more easily or get infected, and that’s when things can go very wrong. Avoid the mistakes, and that’s unlikely to happen.
More Than Polish
Colourful nail art is amazing, and if you love it, there’s no reason to stop - but you do need to take care of what’s underneath as well. The fact is that if your nails often feel thin or break a lot, it’s time to rethink your nail care routine and change to something better.
One thing that can help is to have an expert use builder gels rather than standard nail gels. This is something that’s going to give your nails plenty of extra strength and support against daily wear and tear, which is more than standard nail gels can do. Plus, you’ll still get the great look you want, so it’s the best of both worlds.
Make Small Changes
The good news is that taking better care of your nails doesn’t mean you have to go to the salon every week (although if that’s your preference, go ahead!) - you can actually make some small changes at home that will work wonders and give you the strong, healthy-looking nails you’ve wanted all this time.
The first thing to do is to moisturise your hands and nails every day, and you should also keep your nails trimmed and filed (that prevents snagging which means you’re less likely to break a nail which isn’t only painful but it looks bad and means you’ve got to start your routine all over again). And why not invest in some quality products for your home like good cuticle oils or some strengthening treatments you can use in between visits to the experts? Finally, when you’re doingchores around the house always wear gloves - it might look a little silly, but if it saves your nails and keeps your hands looking good, it’s worth it!